Testimonial to the President of the United States

December 4, 2013

The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House

Dear Mr. President:

My name is______; I live in Tampa Florida. I do not expect you to recall that I have written to you twice before this-once expressing my concern over the financial uncertainty we Americans were experiencing, and a second expressing my gratitude for the 'safety net' in place when I found myself gravely ill-both physically (extensive cancer), and mentally (severe depression). Without Social Security Disability, I would have no alternative means of supporting my wife and three children.

You were so very kind in personally returning a letter to me and my family expressing condolences over our losses. I will always treasure your letter, and the kind wishes expressed by you and our First Lady.

They say that my illness was brought on by the tragic loss of my brother_____ in the twin Towers, on September 11, 2011; and the subsequent loss of my second brother, a New York policeman who was unable to cope with the aftermath of September 11.

As our nation continues to debate the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act, I thought it timely to inform you of the superb treatment I am receiving by my mental health professional, Mr. Joel Brooks, LCSW, DCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Medicaid enable me to receive the mental health treatment prescribed by my doctors, and the level of care has been second to none. Joel is an absolute blessing. And although I paid into the system for over thirty years, I am grateful for the generosity of all Americans.

The_______family extends a happy and healthy holiday season to you, the First Lady, and your beautiful daughters.